ali leroy

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Resilience is so gay: A Pride campaign

At Lifelong, tshirts are a source of pride. A few times a year, staff would receive a Lifelong branded t-shirt they could wear to work and out in the community. While developing MarComm plans for Pride Month, I listed the creativity of a local queer artist, and engaged a committee of staff brand ambassadors. The result was a truly lifelong-represented shirt. The tagline “Resilience is so gay” came directly from the staff brand ambassadors, and the artist was able to weave in our organizational values and mission to go even deeper into what the tagline means for our organization. Every staff member received a shirt, and we started an online fundraiser selling the shirts to the community, bringing in double the expected revenue. Alongside the t-shirt campaign, we celebrated some of our staff, giving them space to tell their stories on our social channels and company blog. Below are a few clips and videos from that campaign.

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See the Bonfire campaign